European Commission rolls out its new Lifelong Learning Programme and underlines its commitment to promoting linguistic diversity, 02-02-2007 (A-EL)

Bruxelles - Brussel, Friday, 02 February 2007 by Davyth Hicks  

The European Commission held its first Info Day earlier this week on its new Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), which includes the education programmes Erasmus, Comenius and Grundtvig. Throughout the launch the Commission emphasised the importance of language learning and the promotion of linguistic diversity.

Special attention was paid to regional or minority languages with a new funding strand entitled ‘Languages’ which will include the special measures such as support for networks and multilateral projects that support linguistic diversity. In addition, the first priority for language projects under the larger Comenius secondary school programme is the implementation of the Commission’s 2003 Action Plan for Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity, which strongly supported regional languages.

All European regional or minority language (RML) communities are now able, and are encouraged to, set up language projects and apply for the funds. Eurolang will follow the progress of RML language projects with special features on the topic and EBLUL are able to offer advice and support in the setting up of projects.

Furthermore, the new programme aims to include Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Croatia by 2008, which will enable the RML communities in those countries to apply. (Eurolang 2007)

Lifelong Learning Programme

Action Plan for Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity / Framework Strategy for Multilingualism

Boarne: Eurolang, 02-02-2007 [digitaal berjocht]

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